IT engineering enthusiast
IT engineering enthusiast
My name is Yanis MANSOUR. Curious, motivated and passionate about IT engineering, I wanted to create this blog to share my thoughts on computer science and my personal projects
IT engineering in general is a fascinating science for me. I like everything about it, from coding to low level architecture, including networking, AI and machine learning.
I'm currently an IT engineering student at INSA Lyon. Beside
my studies, I am also an apprenticeship student, which means that I study a few weeks and work for
a company for a few other weeks
Next to that, I'm also a daily practitioner of street workout (calisthenics), I always follow last high tech releases and I love traveling
Servers & infrastructure
Coding & AI
Computer architecture
I currently work for BSD as a Microsoft Full Stack developer. In there, I do a lot of things like software development, infrastructure installation, server configuration ... etc. I especially work on Microsoft technologies like SharePoint and Office 365.
2020 - Today
I worked for CSTB as a Desktop applications developer. I was part of a thermal tests laboratory team, as the only developer. I worked on developing automation tools in Javascript and VBA. It was very demanding in autonomy and team work at the same time
2019 - 2020
Page Rank is the algorithm used by Google to evaluate pages on the web
based on the logic "A page is important if important pages reference it".
This algorithm determines the order of pages in a search result. It is
based on Markov Chains.
Iterative Deepening A Star algorithm applied to blocks world problem,
to find the shortest path possible to the solution.
K-Means is a machine learning classification algorithm. It consists on
classifying data into k clusters, based on a similarity parameter.